Classic Colours
Quality Printing Ink Manufacturers
Classic Graphics
Waterless Pre-Press Supplies
Together Challenging the Conventional

Specialised inks

Nevada UniVersal-LM Golds (two components)
Our two pack UV curable gold inks are supplied pre-weighed as follows:
500 grams Paste
500 grams Varnish
There are only two Pastes; P1000 - Rich Paste and P2000 Copper Paste.

There is a choice of 3 different varnish blends depending on process and substrate being used
Waterless LA application use V3000 Rich Varnish and V4000 Copper Varnish
Wet offset application use V5000 Rich Varnish and V6000 Copper Varnish
Waterless PC application use V7000 Rich Varnish and V8000 Copper Varnish

By choosing the correct combination of Paste and varnishes it is possible to mix all Basic shades plus Rich Gold and Copper for waterless and wet offset presses printing onto paper, board and plastic substrates.
Recipe charts and full mixing instructions for 871 – 876 are available.

Silver options 1kg tins only
Nevada UniVersal-LM Silver (ready mixed) MM10699-LM
Sahara Classicure Silver (ready mixed) MM8077
Nevada LED-UV Silver (ready mixed) MM10308

All popular shades of fluorescent colour are available for both Hg and LED-UV curing produced using our unique Hybrid UV formulations. As these are a hybrid formulation all rollers and blankets should be dual purpose. A hybrid formulation gives maximum strength, and fluorescence.